KCPE Score 2018 by Subject
Candidates: 16(Olgulului), 15(Meshanani), 32(Osoit), 25(Iloirero)
*Eluai-Nalepo did not join KCPE 2018.
KCPE Mean Score 2016-2018
*Olgulului and Meshanani did not join KCPE 2016.
*Eluai-Nalepo have not joined KCPE yet.
Number of Disabled Children by Types
* Olgulului does not have disabled children.
*data: as of August 3rd 2018
Number of Out-of-School Children by Gender
*No OOSC were reported at Meshanani.
*data: as of August 3rd 2018
Number of Out-of-School Children by Reasons
*No OOSC was reported at Meshanani.
*data: as of August 3rd 2018